Chair’s Message 2019-20

Welcome to the IEEE San Diego Section!   We support and serve San Diego engineering and computing professionals to to create a community of members who want to learn and share their knowledge in all areas of technologies – including electrical engineering, communications, computer science and related disciplines.

Whether you are an IEEE member or someone who is interested in technology,  we encourage you to learn more:  


ENGAGE –  Check the events section for the many meetings 


We support and serve San Diego engineering and computing professionals, and aim to create a community of members who want to learn and share their knowledge in electrical engineering, communications, computer science and related disciplines.

We welcome all interested parties to attend our programs and events

We have monthly section meetings on a variety of topics of interest to EEs and other technologists, and presentations from subject matter experts, sponsored by our society chapters and affinity groups. We have over 20 local society chapters ranging from Aerospace and Electronic Systems to Vehicular Technology. Our Communication Society Chapter was recognized as best COM-S Chapter in 2012. We have some initiatives in Global Insights to Humanities, Cyber Security, plus new programs

The SD IEEE section can play an important role in both the engineering field and also in San Diego life depending on you. The section meetings are being organized to be of interest not only electrical engineers, but also engineers in general. They can also fulfill some of the needs of society in terms of supplying information about engineering.

Engineering is central to the smooth working of society and improving life. Without engineering we would not have trains, cars, operating theaters, television and radio, etc. If you compare life before the industrial revolution you would clearly understand that the quality of life has improved. We want to continue this progress. The idea that life was good in the middle ages is just a myth.

Not all steps taken by engineers are necessarily good, there has to be a balance between engineering benefits and degradations. For example, in the use of new materials for computers one should consider how this material has been extracted from the land, what processes used to manufacture it and later how does one dispose of it. As the industrial revolution has spread over the earth, the steps are almost always the same.

This section’s website,, includes section information, society chapter officer contact information as well as upcoming events. In addition you should sign up to receive e-mails about our San Diego meetings which are open to all, without regard to society membership or dues.

In addition, do sign-up to our IEEE San Diego Linkedin Group and the new IEEE Collobratec website.

Please seriously consider elevation to senior member class if you meet the criteria. Let me know if you need additional information.

We also have a very active IEEE Consultant’s Network here in San Diego which may be of interest whether you are a consultant or just curious about consulting or entrepreneurship. This well regarded IEEE community has networking opportunities with sister organizations like Evonexus, CONNECT and BIO-COM.

The section always has need of active volunteers. Should you want to explore section participation opportunities, please contact us.

Again, welcome to the IEEE San Diego Section. I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming meeting or drop me a call if you want to chat at

Kathy Herring Hayashi 

IEEE is the world’s largest volunteer-led, technical professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. We publish technical journals, sponsor conferences, develop technology standards and support the professional interests of more than 420,000 members worldwide. IEEE Women in Engineering works to inspireengage and advance  women in engineering through over 700+ affinity groups and 18,000+ members around the world.


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