Consultants’ Network of San Diego – “Patent Eligibility of Software”

September 13, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Monday, September 13, 2021

IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego – Topic: Patent Eligibility of Software”

 Speaker:   Rob Cogan, Continuum Law


“Patent eligibility” is critically important for software inventions. The 2014 Supreme Court case Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International held that putting an old method on a computer would not make it patentable. This decision turned the world of computer-related inventions on its head because it created so many ambiguities. Since then, several more Supreme Court decisions and carefully crafted sets of guidelines from the Patent Office have provided some clarification. Today’s rules are equally applicable to complex software as to game apps. A better understanding of patent eligibility goes hand-in-hand with a better understanding of value. We will also touch on such matters as whom to name as the inventor of a program generated by artificial intelligence, copyright ownership of code, and working as a software consultant.



Rob Cogan is Principal Attorney at Continuum Law in downtown San Diego. The firm handles high tech business issues for small and large companies, patent-trademark-copyright, and contracts. Most recently he has been guiding companies across the legal minefields of California’s new laws regarding classification of independent contractors and employees.

Rob is among the first attorneys to prosecute a software patent application to allowance at the United States Patent Office. He litigates software issues, creates joint software development agreements, and registers copyrights in source code.

His electrical engineering degree is from The Cooper Union in New York City, and his law degree is from the George Washington University National Law Center.


This meeting will be held online.  Please RSVP Here on IEEE Vtools.  We will send an e-mail to all registered participants on Sunday evening with meeting connection information. 

San Diego IEEE Consultants’ Network Meeting Date and Time:
September 13, 2021 (Monday)
6:00 – 7:00 pm – Presentation
7:00 – 7:30 pm – Introductions and Announcements

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