- Goal: Establish a San Diego Section Newsletter
Chapter 11 of the MGA Operations Manual sets out expectations from IEEE about how to set up a Section newsletter. Chapter 11 is presented below.
The purpose of IEEE publications is to further the aims of IEEE with respect to advancing the theory and practice of electrical and electronics engineering and related arts and sciences throughout the world; enhancing the professional standing of its members; and promoting the constructive utilization of technology for the public welfare. Region and Section publications are important vehicles for exchange of information and interaction among members in the Region/Section area.
These publications meet the technical, professional, and informational needs of membership, which may be specific to the geographical area.
The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board may authorize
newsletters, periodicals, magazines, proceedings, and other publications, as it may deem necessary for effectively disseminating and publicizing its activities. The MGA Board shall abide by the existing policies and procedures as established by the Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) and referenced in IEEE Policies.
Objectives of the Region/Section publications include:
• Enhancing communication among members, and between IEEE and its members.
• Acting as an educational force in developing the technical capabilities of members.
• Presenting, in appropriate publications, information on matters of professional and societal concern to the membership in the geographical area.
• Disseminating information among members about important technical achievements and developments from institutions and industries in the Region/Section.
• Bringing out publications of archival value covering important technical developments and achievements from institutions and industries in the Region/Section.
• Publishing important papers or talks, including applications oriented
information, presented at the Region/Section meetings.
Any Region or Section may issue a local publication. A group of contiguous Sections or Regions may also issue a common or joint publication. The organizational unit (Region/Section) responsible for the publication shall inform the MGA Board, accordingly, and shall provide copies of such publications to IEEE headquarters as published. The objectives of such publications shall be consonant with the objectives of IEEE. A Region/Section publication may be a newsletter and/or a journal/magazine. Information carried in a newsletter is not expected to be archival, whereas magazines/journals have archival value. Before a Region/Section publication is approved and initiated, the organizational unit responsible must ensure that there is a proper financial plan and that necessary
MGA Operations Manual, Section 11 page 142 financial and other support is available for the publication. In addition, the organizational unit responsible must also appoint a suitable editorial committee and/or publications committee, does not apply to a newsletter, to insure a smooth publications operation. The members responsible for bringing out the publication (whether in an editorial capacity or some other capacity) must be cognizant of the policies and procedures, which are applicable to all IEEE publications. For this purpose, IEEE Policies must be consulted. All IEEE publications, including Region/Section publications must carry the IEEE logo and the words “IEEE” in the title of the newsletter/magazine/journal.
Guidelines covering the use of the IEEE logo and the word IEEE are given in the PSPB Operations Manual. IEEE journals/magazines, including those published by Regions/Sections contain material of archival value. IEEE copyright policies and procedures applicable for publication of such material are outlined in IEEE Policies, Section 6.3.1 – IEEE Copyright Policies, and the PSPB Operations Manual.
Region/Section publications may carry socio-technical material of interest to members. Publication of such material must adhere to IEEE policies and procedures on presentation of socio-technical material. Guidelines for presentation of socio-technical material are given in the PSPB Operations Manual.
Advertising is permitted in the Region/Section publications. Guidelines and requirements to be followed with regard to advertisements carried in the Region/Section publications are listed in the PSPB Operations Manual.
General guidelines for the publication of newsletters by Regions/Sections are given in the PSPB Operations Manual. Magazines or journals published by Regions/Sections are expected to contain at least 60% material, which has archival value. A Region/Section magazine must be normally published at least four times every year. General guidelines for publication of magazines and journals by Regions/Sections are given in the PSPB Operations Manual.
Second class mail facility can be utilized for distribution of IEEE publications within the United States provided certain minimum requirements are met. Regulations concerning use of second class mail facility for IEEE publications within the United States are listed in IEEE Policies, Section 6.5.
– Second Class Mailing Permits. For other countries, the local post office may be consulted to obtain information regarding provisions for use of reduced rate postage for mailing IEEE publications.
- Next Step: Newsletter proposal has been submitted as an item for the March 2025 San Diego Executive Committee Meeting.
- Team Members: Michelle Thompson, Irina Kim, Michael Easton
- Want to join? Use the Contact Us form in the main menu bar or write Michelle at mountain dot michelle at gmail dot com.
The PSPB Operations Manual addresses Section Newsletters specifically, stating the following:
IEEE Section Newsletters – Key Guidelines
Purpose & Content:
- Section newsletters are member benefits and should be distributed primarily to members of the organizational unit.
- They communicate news and information relevant to the members, including:
- Reports on organizational activities
- Messages from officers and editors
- Calls for articles and letters from readers
- Chapter news, meeting notices, conference reports, and awards
- They may include technical articles of general interest.
Distinction from Other Publications:
- If a publication only announces events (e.g., conferences, meetings), it should not be titled a “Newsletter.” Instead, it should be called a bulletin, announcement, news release, or notice.
Title Requirements:
- The newsletter title must include “IEEE” and the organizational unit name.
- The word “Newsletter” is recommended but not mandatory.
Masthead Requirements:
- The masthead should include:
- The newsletter title
- The IEEE Logo Master Brand
- Name of the organizational unit
- Volume/issue number and date of issue
- The masthead should include:
Publication Frequency:
- Newsletters can be published at any frequency, but at least three (3) issues per year are recommended.
- If a U.S. second-class nonprofit postal permit is used, the newsletter must be published at least four (4) times per year.
Postal Permits:
- Second-class postal permit requests must go through IEEE Publishing Operations.
- Third-class bulk rate permits can be submitted directly to a local post office.
Pricing & Subscription:
- The newsletter should be provided at no extra charge to IEEE organizational unit members.
- Free copies may be given to non-members at conferences or meetings to promote IEEE membership.
- Societies and Technical Councils may sell newsletters to non-members if they contain intellectual/technical content of value.
- Advertisements, including IEEE ads, are allowed but require approval from the organizational unit’s governing body.
Copyright Considerations:
- If the newsletter contains technical articles, authors must sign an IEEE Copyright Form.
- Republishing articles from other publishers requires written permission.
Advertisements can be accepted, but:
- Must not impair the usefulness or appearance of the publication.
- Should be clearly distinguishable from editorial content.
- Require approval from the governing body of the organizational unit.
- Must not interfere with the IEEE’s mission, vision, or values.